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Clinical Indications of Rasnadi Guggulu – An Experiential and Scientific View

Dr. Prof. Shripathi Acharya, Dr. Rajeshwari S. Acharya

Vol. 16, Jul-Dec 2023


Guggulu formulations are commonly used in painful joint diseases by Ayurveda physicians. Guggulus like Trayodashanga guggulu, Shadanga guggulu, Amritadi guggulu, Medohara guggulu, Laxa guggulu, Saptavimshati guggulu, Ekonavimshati guggulu, Kanchanara guggulu and Triphala guggulu are few formulations which are used in the management of various disorders. Among them, Rasnadi guggulu is most frequently used in the clinical practice. Guggulu resin is a main ingredient has the actions like Kapha vatahara, Usha teeksha guna yukta, Tikta rasa yukta, Vedanahara, Rasayana, Hypocholestremic, Vedana sthapana and Pittakaraka in action. This formulation can be given in coronary artery disease both in preventive and curative aspects. It has least adverse drug reactions even after prolonged use. Present paper highlights about clinical indications of Rasnadi guggulu in an experiential and scientific view

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrmst.v16i01.006

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