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Hindrances to COVID-19 Vaccination Among the yet Unvaccinated of Clinical Medical Students

Chinedu A. Idoko, James Akpeh, Obiora Onowu, Favour N. Emmanuel, Marvel U. Emeka-Ugwu, Shalom A, Elijah-Ebinne, Ajuluchukwu N. Ekwueme

Vol. 16, Jul-Dec 2023


Background: Being a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the world today, people need to be protected to prevent increase in spread of infection. Most people are shy of taking this protection of COVID-19 Vaccination as a result of factors including doubt of sincerity and intent of the vaccine by manufacturers amongst other factors. This study is aimed at understanding the impedance to COVID-19 vaccine uptake among the study population. Methodology: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data entry and data analysis. Results: Substantial number of respondents 66 (41.3%) are of the opinion vaccine development was rushed while 71 (44.4%) are uncertain of effectiveness of vaccine even as 65 (40.6%) agree to the fear of side effects. Very few 1 (0.6%) stayed away from the vaccine due to religious reasons. There existed a statistically significant relationship between age and status of vaccination (p = 0,001), those between age 23 – 25 years were unlikely to receive the vaccine.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrmst.v16i01.008

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