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Dr. Pushkar Singh Bhakuni, Dr. Sanjay Singh

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system. Skin was appreciated primarily as passive barrier interface between the body and environment and provide the first line of defense against invading pathogens and mechanical injury. Skin is dynamic ecosystem that is inhabited by microbiota which are fundamental to skin physiology and immunity. Skin microbiota that live in complete harmony with the immune sentinels and contribute to the epithelial barrier reinforcement. any condition like low immunity, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, poor hygiene, & stress causes alteration in symbiotic relationship of microbiota which results different type of skin disorders. Skin diseases contributed app. 1.79% to the total global burden of disease. In Ayurvedic classics acharya has mentioned different herbs and procedure to maintain healthy skin. They also describe many drugs for preventive and curative purpose of skin diseases, like- varnya mahakshaya, jeevaniya mahakshaya, kusthghan mahakshaya etc and procedures like- udvartana, ubtan, taila abhyanga, lepa and panchakarma also plays important role to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin. Daily regimens like snana, nasya etc protects from diseases and provides a joyful sense to life.

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