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Dr.Yogita Patil, Dr. Rajesh Ingole

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Now a day’s skin disease becomes a very common and serious issue. The prevalence rate of skin disease in India is 10-12%. There is a strong association between skin diseases with psychiatric disorders and chronicity leads to anxiety and depression, loss of confidence, helplessness and less social support. Ayurveda has described many skin diseases under the umbrella kushtha which is tridoshaj vyadhi. The samprapti of kushtha is started from Rasa dhatu and travel onwards to another dhatus which increases the chronicity of disease. There are many types of formulations described in Ayurveda to treat skin diseases like Ghruta, Taila, Kashaya, Guggulu, Rasaushadhi, Lepa, Malhara, etc. As the skin diseases are difficult to treat and require long term treatment the medications which gives fast effect in small dosage forms should be used. Rasuashdhies fulfil above both criteria so it is good to use it in the treatment of skin diseases. Minerals like sulphur, blue and green vitriol, Arsenic compounds (disulphide and trisulphide), incinerated metals like Tin, Silver, iron, Zinc, gold. These minerals are used externally and internally to treat skin diseases and found very effective. They cure skin diseases and improve beauty of skin. In this article we have tried to enlighten role of Rasaushadhies to treat skin diseases.

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