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Dr. Shivani Sharma, Dr. Sushma Rawat

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


The concept of Saundarya or beauty takes skin and its complexion into consideration. In Ayurveda, complexion is referred to as Varna which has various physiological and pathological implications whereasVarnya is a classical term given for the task of restoring and retaining the natural hue, texture and tone of the skin. Varna includes different parameters of skin like color, texture, lusture, appearance, nourishment and also dermatological parameters such as skin hydration, skin pigmentation, skin sensitivity and skin wrinkling etc. Hence, disturbance in any of the components of the skin is considered as Vaivarnya or skin discoloration. According to Acharya Charaka, VarnyaMahakashaya is the eighth group of 50 Mahakashaya described in fourth chapter of Sutra Sthana of Charaka Samhita and includes drugs viz: Chandana (Santalum Album), Tunga (Calophylluminophyllum), Padmaka(Prunuscerasoides), Ushira (Vetiveriazizanioides), Madhuka (Glycyrrhizaglabra), Manjishtha (Rubiacordifolia), Sariva (Hemidesmusindicus), Payasya(Puerariatuberosa), Sita (Cynodondactylon) and Lata (Cynodonlinearis). These are the group of drugs used to maintain and enhance the complexion in healthy and diseased both. Some of these can be administered both internally and externally.

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