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Dr. RitunandaTripathi, Dr. N.K. Prasad Dr. Shuchi Dubey

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


In modern era, changed life style of human being for example busy life, unhealthy improper diet, use of chemical products and polluted environment has created several disharmonies in his biological system. All factors can cause changes in skin composition and plays major role in producing variety of skin diseases along with systemic involvement.Researchers have demonstrated the bidirectional connection between the gut and skin which plays a major role in the maintenance of homeostasis. Gut flora which produce neurotransmitters and modulate skin function.The skin and gut both operate as neuro-immuno-endocrine organs, and participate in essential communication with the nervous system, immune system,and endocrine system. Probiotics can disrupt the pathogenesis of skin diseases through immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory actions.Probiotics can have great potential in preventing and treating the skin diseases including eczema,tropic dermatitis, acne, allergic inflammation,UVinduced skin damage and as a cosmetic product.In our Ayurvedicclassics several types of drug and diet have been described to maintain health which is being used today as a prebiotics and probiotics. Aim: To study the concept of probiotics and its role in the gut skin axis. Methods: Conceptual study based on modern literature,classical references and published research articles.Conclusion:Skin is one of the important presentable organs of the body and personality. So, disorders of skin affect not only on somatic level but also on psychological level too.In the current study,we describe how the gut microbiota communicates with the skin as one of the main regulators in the gut-skin axis.

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