Snehdeep Soni, Dr. Samita Kalra
Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019
The lips are of great importance for the perception of beauty by humans. The appearance of the lips in part determines the attractiveness of a person’s face. Ayurveda has a great deal to say the importance of oral health. Oral disease are one of the most important problem in public health and are on the rise in developing countries.Among them the prevalence of Angular cheilitis is more than 10 million cases per year in India.Angular cheilitis is inflammation of one or both corners of the mouth characterized by fissures, scaling, erythema with skin breakdown and crusting. It can also be itchy or painful. Apart from that it also affects beauty and personality of individual. The cause is usually multifactorial such as infection, irritation, or allergies.Infections include by fungi such as Candida albicans and bacteria such as Staph. aureus.Irritants include poorly fitting dentures, licking the lips or drooling, mouth breathing resulting in a dry mouth, sun exposure, overclosure of the mouth, smoking, and minor trauma. Allergies may include substances like toothpaste, makeup, and food.Other factors may include poor nutrition or poor immune function.In Ayurveda, diseases of lip are classified into eight categories among them the symptoms of angular cheilitis can be correlated to Vataja prakopa ostha characterized by pain, dryness, cracking etc.In various Ayurvedic classic there are numerous ayurvedic drugs which can be used in prevention as well as management of Vataja prakopa ostha, which are safe, cost effective, easily available and applicable.