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Dr. Akhilesh, Vaidya Nisha Gupta

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Skin is a vital as well as a complex organ of the body which usually is underappreciated in case of physical and mental health, unless a problem or an ailment originates in it. The word “Psoriasis” is derived from Greek word ( Psora – Itchy & Iasis – condition) . Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic inflammatory skin disease with unknown etiology and relapsing in nature. It is characterized by well defined dry erythematous patches and covered with adherent silvery white scales. It commonly affects extensor surfaces of elbows, knees, scalp, nails & sacral region. According to Ayurveda, the Samprapti of psoriasis can be described as vitiated Vata and Kapha Dosha in association with Ama dosha ,which adversely affect Jala Mahabhoot of the affected skin region. Vitiated Dosha dry the water content of skin and promote abnormal rapid proliferation of skin tissues, resulting in its appearance as whitish and scaly & thin skin tissues. Vitiated Kapha Dosha and accumulated Mala cause itching in the skin and the Pitta/rakta vitiated by Vata-Kapha and Mala alters the normal healing process . Although Ek-kustha is considered as a disease of Bahya Rogmarga, but its initiation is from Koshtha, hence diet also plays a prominent role in early pathogenesis of EkKushtha. .In Charaka Samhita, the Ek-Kustha symptoms are quite similar to psoriasis.

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