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Dr. Monu, Dr. Asit Kumar Panja

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


In Ayurveda classics, Yuvanpidika comes under Kshudra roga. It has great resemblance with acne vulgaris in modern medicine which mostly affects 85% population of teenagers and young adults mainly males. Now a day’s various types of skin diseases are on the rampage. Acne vulgaris is one of them. It is a chronic skin disorder involving hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Multiple causative factors including skin microbes, hormonal imbalance, environmental factors and mental stress are responsible for this. According to ayurveda classical texts, Yuvanpidika occurs due to vitiation of kapha, vata and rakta doshas. It gives rise to “salmali throne” like eruptions on the face. In Astanga Haridhya,Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned it as vataja and kaphaj disease. Other Acharyas mainly focused on its treatment. There are two types of treatment described in ayurveda i.e. samshodhana and samshamana. Samshodhana chikitsa includes vamana, nasya and shiravedha. Samshamana chikitsa is divided as internal and external. In internal, oral medicines like manjistha churna, panchtikta ghrita and kaishora guggulu and in external chikitsa lepa and oil are included. Internal medicines are tikta rasa dominant. Tikta rasa is ideal for all skin diseases and also beneficial for daha and kandu which are common symptoms of this disease. In this paper the nidana (etiology), samprapti (pathogenesis) as well as chikitsa of yuvanpidika will be discussed in detail.

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