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Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Everyone wants to be beautiful in this world. In today’s era cosmetology i.e. the science of alteration of appearance and modification of body is growing very rapidly. For this, there are many products in the market for lustrous skin, wrinkle free skin, hair dying etc. and hair transplant centres, plastic surgery centres are spreaded world wide. Concept of beauty is also not an untouched part in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, beauty is not just having lustrous skin, silky and shiny hair, big eyes etc. but also include internal beauty in terms of good physical health, mental and spiritual well being of a person. Concept of beauty in Ayurveda starts from mother womb and it depends on Aahara and Vihara taken by mother during its pregnancy. After birth one can achieve and maintain beauty by following the daily and seasonal regimen as described in Dincharya and Ritucharya. There are many references in our Ayurveda literature regarding Nasa Sandhan, Austha Sandhan, etc. which are used in modern cosmetology by the name of rhinoplasty, labioplasty surgery. Skin is reflection of internal system of medicine, Sansodhan treatment by Panchkarma procedures is also a very great tool incosmetology. Many Varnya, Keshya and different Yogaare described in our Samhita. Rasayana therapy could be a better adjunctive as an ant aging agent for wrinkle free skin. In this article, all the conceptsof beauty which are mentioned by Acharyas in Different Samhita are discussed.

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