Dr Manjula, Dr Lolashri S. J, Dr Kiran M Goud
Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019
The word “Twacha” means skin, derived from the word “Twachasamvarane” i.e. the skin is defined as the organ which covers the body from outside. In Ayurveda there are different types of layer among which Avabhasini is the first and outer most layer of the skin which is responsible for the Varnya and Prabha. This is maintained by pitta which resides in tvacha is known as Brajakapitta which is responsible for normal and abnormal colour of the body. Bahirparimarja chikitsa like udwarthana or abhyanga which is used as Dinacharya as explained by our Acharyas specially by Acharya Vagbhata in Ashtanga Hridaya to be adopt once in a day or once in a two day or according to Prakruti, Dosha. So the Aim and Objective is to highlight the importance of Abhyanga, udwartana etc by using the drugs which is mentioned as Varnya kara in classics as Dinacharya as to maintain and enhancing the Tvacha prabha, Parnya, Prasadana.