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Dr. Ravi Prakash, Dr. Mita Kotecha

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Hair loss (khalitya in ayurveda) is an important kshudra rog which demands care and attention. Hair fall is universal problem which affects both sexes of all races but more in male than female and mainly affecting young generation. khalitya is increasing day by day. Hair makes our body externally beautiful and attractive. Healthy hair makes a person healthy. In modern era, busy lifestyle, stress, polluted environment, unhealthy diet, fast food and dandruff is main cause of.khalitya. Polluted air increases production of oil on scalp leading to fungal infection (dandruff) subsequently develops skin infection (scalp folliculitis) that wreak havoc on moisture content of hairs leaving them dry, brittle, frizzy, split ended and finally hair fall. Dhoopan(fumigation) is exposing the scalp to smoke that will lead to opening pores of scalp so that cleansing of scalp and mitigation of exudates will leads to relief from dandruff and by increasing blood circulation to scalp Dhoopan stops falling of hairs and hair becomes thick and shiny. This paperwill explain the etiology, patho-physiology and ayurvedic treatment of khalitya mainly by dhoopan karma. Dhoopan is described as good antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial in ayurveda so it is best treatment for dandruff and pollution related hair fall.

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