Zakiya Jameel Khalel Haddad, Basma Hani Razza, Alyaa Sami Ayoob
Vol. 9, Jan-Jun 2020
Nowadays, with an increasing number of women surviving breast cancer, fertility and the desire for pregnancy they have become critically important factors to evaluate in the risk / benefit analysis that is carried out when planning a cancer therapy plan. The purpose of this article was to update the latest news regarding two issues complementary: the influence of treatment for breast cancer on subsequent pregnancies; the effects of a subsequent pregnancy the diagnosis of breast cancer on the main pathology. By reviewing the international literature we first highlighted the effects of adjuvant chemotherapy, endocrine therapy and radiotherapy on fertility and we subsequently verified how pregnancy is not only safe but also protective for those women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Most breast cancer recurrences occur in the first two years after diagnosis, for this reason it is It is recommended that a woman postpone her pregnancy for at least two years after a diagnosis of breast cancer.