Dr Punita Pandey (MD)
Vol. 6, Jul-Dec 2018
Last few decades have witnessed tremendous increase in prevalence of lifestyle disorders worldwide. And it is inferred that this trend will augment in future. Modern medicine has gained triumph over the infectious diseases simply by targeting the offending organism but the management of lifestyle disorders is not that simple and requires a broad acumen. In fact lifestyle disorders are multifactorial in origin and are outcome of violation of rules of healthy leaving, materialistic approach towards life, negative thought process, mental emotional conflicts and unresolved stress of day to day life. The cumulative effects of these factors disturb homoeostasis and results in dosha vaishmya, vitiation of agni, ama production, srotovaiguny and depletion of sattva component of man (mind). Concepts and practices of Ayurveda which are effective in lifestyle disorders viz. nidan parivarjan, deepan-pachan, srotoshodhan, shirodhara, mantra chanting, meditation and specific yogasan will be discussed at the time of paper presentation.