Dr. Nikita Jaiswal, Dr. Ramadevi G
Vol. 6, Jul-Dec 2018
Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disturbance affecting the women between age group of 15 to 30 years. PCOS was first described by Stein & Leventhal in 1935, and insulin resistance is further described by Burghen in 1980.73% of women suffering from PCOS experience infertility due to anovulation. Chronic anovulation leads to persistent increase in the levels of serum estrogen which is a risk factor for cancers like ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer etc. PCOS has become a burning problem in young women of today’s era. We can`t correlate any single disease of Ayurvedic science to PCOS, but all the symptoms of this syndrome can be seen in many different diseases as told in our classics. The menstrual irregularities - can be considered as Artava Kshaya. Obesity, skin tags, type 2 DM, hyperadragonism – all these symptoms can be considered under Rasa and Medho prodoshaja laxanas.