Dr. Payal Sharma, Dr. Alok Kumar Asthana
Vol. 6, Jul-Dec 2018
In today's era life style disorder is most prevalent disease. These are many diseases which are included in this disorder. They are mainly cardiovascular disease, obesity, atherosclerosis, stroke and type 2 diabetes. It also includes diseases associated with smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. They can also be called as chronic diseases. One cannot ignore these deadly diseases. So, we must approach towards the disease in a proper manner. There are mainly one major cause behind these lethal diseases and that is individual's lifestyle. Ayurveda has a major scope for the treatment of these diseases. As it is written in our samhitas, one must follow rules and regulations of DINCHARYA and RITUCHARYA. One can also perform various Yoga asana for the releif. Various yoga asana like dhanurasana, bhujangasana, sarvangasana, halasana etc can be perform. Anulom vilom pranayam is also effective in chronic Respiratory diseases. Ayurveda have various herbs which do wonders in these diseases for example Aamlaki, Ashwagandha, Triphla etc they are rejuvinative herbs and shows great effect. Arjun plays important role in various heart diseases. .Various panchkarma procedures also plays important role like nasya can do wonders in chronic respiratory diseases. So simply by following ayurveda and yoga, we can easily fight with these diseases. So it’s high time now to accept our science and Vedas so that we can eradicate these diseases from our society.