Sourav Malik
Vol. 10, Jul-Dec 2020
Can handle the skirmish of Covid and humanity as long as we keep up with the basic standard of social distancing and wearing masks among ourselves, all things considered through our drops from the respiratory system that the infection spreads. With the expanding interest for human resources and individuals needed to go to their work environments post lockdown, we should save each other from the disease. In this venture, we will go through a nitty-gritty clarification of how we can utilize Python, AI, and Deep Learning to screen social distancing at public spots and work environments are staying away from one another by examining ongoing video transfers from the camera and recognizing facial cover checking to utilize OpenCV and Python. To guarantee individuals are following social distancing conventions openly in places and work environments, we needed to foster an instrument that can screen whether individuals are staying away from each other, wearing covers or not, by handling ongoing video film from the camera. Individuals at working environments, production lines, shops can incorporate this apparatus into their surveillance camera frameworks and can screen whether individuals are staying away from one another or not.