Shrikant Pandey
Vol. 6, Issue 1, Jul-Dec 2018
As the name denotes, lifestyle disorders are the result of wrong diet and regimen in day to day life, in context to time, place, age etc. It is described in Ayurveda in detail. It is described in Ayurveda, at varrious places like in the description of Dincharya, Ritucharya and many other places, that specific diet and regimen should be followed according to Prakriti, Kala, Desha, Vaya etc. to maintain the health. The health or healthy condition of body is also defined in Ayurveda in detailed manner. A very big and important part of this science is oriented towards prevention of disease by promoting health. Along with this many solutions are described, in the form of lifestyle, to resolve the problems of lifestyle disorders. Here some of these points are tried to be explored.