Bushra F. Hasan, Jinan Hilal, Harith Abdulla Najem
Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023
The current study was objective in clarifying some of the physiological and hormonal characteristics on male and female of migratory water birds Gallinula Chloropus, that bought from Basrah market during the winter season. This study conducted on 30 healthy birds was divided into fifteen males and fifteen females and suggest that the male Gallinula Chloropus has higher levels of red blood cells count(RBC), hemoglobin( Hb) and Packed cell volume (PCV) than the females, while the total protein, albumin, globulin, calcium, phosphorus, and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations recorded high significantly in the female than the males. In addition, there is no difference in the levels of Thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) and blood glucose.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrmst.v15i01.002