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Bhargav Bhide

Vol. 6, Jul-Dec 2018


Depression results from a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors. WHO states that more than 350 million people are suffering from depression. The problem is increasing day by day and may lead to serious consequences like suicide. On observing various articles regarding depression it is observed that the major contributing factors for depression are poor diet, improper habits of eating, abusing drugs and alcohol, overworking, lack of exercise, poor sleep, lack of leisure time etc. In short, improper lifestyle is the main causative factor for depression. In Ayurvedic perspective, diseases like Unmada, Apasmara and Atattvabhinivesha are considered as Manasika vyadhi. Acharya Sushruta considers health of mind utmost important while defining a healthy individual. The term depression can be considered nearer to ‘Vishada’. It can be observed as symptom in various Manas (psychological) Vyadhis. Acharya Charaka considers it responsible for increasing any disease (Vishado rogavardhananam). Medhya Dravyas can be useful in management of the disease. Modification of lifestyle according to Sadvritta i.e. Achara Rasayana along with use of Nitya Rasayana Dravyas in Ahara can be useful for treating depression. The present work reviews management of depression by modification in lifestyle according to Ayurveda texts and modern articles.

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