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Vandana Singh, Arpit kumar Shrivas Bhuwal Ram

Vol. 6, Jul-Dec 2018


PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome has become a common phenomenon among young women of reproductive age in present scenario. It is known to be leading cause of infertility in women. PCOS unfolds to be one among the lifestyle threats affecting multiple systems. It is mainly caused as a result of hormonal imbalance. It clinically attributes to reproductive manifestations like reduced frequency of ovulation and irregular menstrual cycles, reduced fertility, polycystic ovaries, and high male hormones such as testosterone which causes excess facial or body hair growth, persistent acne, deepened voice, male pattern baldness. It is also associated with other metabolic disorders. Ayurvedic intervention of PCOS counsels the involvement of pitta, kapha & vata doshas, Rasa & meda dhatu also rasa, rakta & artava vaha srotas. It can be treated with the help of some Ayurvedic herbs which possess medicinal properties including some dietary norms and restriction which should be acknowledged. These herbs work to improve inflammation and hormonal imbalance that are at the root of PCOS. The powders of herbal drugs are also quite beneficial in controlling the three aggravated doshas & bring balance & strength to the menstrual system & it helps to regulate artava dhatu.

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