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Conceptual Study on Ayurvedic Pharmacodyanamics of Gandhaka Rasayana wsr to Grahani Roga

Dr. Vinod Kumar Gautam, Prof. Pramod Kumar Mishra

Vol. 18, Jul-Dec 2024


Vitiation of Agni (Mandagni) and Dosha cause Grahani Roga, a chronic illness of the digestive system that is closely tied to Agni state and dietary patterns. Gandhaka Rasayana, a popular Ayurvedic herbo-mineral formulation, was created by Shuddha Gandhaka through the serial Bhavana of eleven herbal medications eight times apiece. It is widely used to treat a wide range of gastrointestinal, skin, and wound ailments. An effort was made in this paper to prove properties and capabilities of Gandhaka Rasayana with special reference to Grahani Roga’s management.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrmst.v18i01.001

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