Alok Anjli
Vol. 6, Jul-Dec 2018
In Ayurveda, the term Agni is used for the digestion of food and metabolic products.Agni convertsfood in the form of energy, which is responsible for all the vital functions of human body. Therefore, Ayurveda considers that Dehagni is the cause of life, complexion, strength, health, nourishment, lusture, Oja,Teja (energy) and Prana (life energy).About the importance of Agni, Acharya Charak has mentioned that after stoppage of the function of Agni, the individual dies, and when the Agni of an individual is Sama, then that person would be absolutely healthy and would lead a long and healthy life. But, if the Agni of a person is vitiated, the whole metabolism in his body would be disturbed, resulting in ill health and disease. Hence, Agni is said to be the base (Mool) of life. The qualities of healthy individuals are narrated in : Normal state of Jataragni, normal state and function of Dhathus (Tissues): Normal state and function of Malas : Pleasant soul, mind and sense objects. There are four different states of Jataragni. Vishama,Teekshana,Manda and Samastates .Among the four different states of Agni Samagni is considered as normal one, all others are considered as abnormal.Samagni is the only state which is responsible for maintenance of health and thus prevent life style disorders. Agni is having dominant role in the manifestation of lifestyle disorders. So, the maintenance of Samagni is essential for the prevention of diseases mainly for the diseases concerned with lifestyle.