Ahmed Thabit Numan, Zeyad Tareq Obaid, Khattab Mahmood Lateef
Vol. 7, Jan-Jun 2019
Scarring is an analgesic technique local. It involves administering an analgesic agent (the most Frequently a local anesthetic, but these may be NSAIDs or opiate's) directly into the banks of a scar surgical or remote to block the transmission painful impulses by the distal nerve endings. Some infiltration techniques are commonly used 'Block' [BII] or the superficial cervical plexus block) while is to inject the analgesic agent without locating location nervous system in a space of diffusion where located the distal endings of the nerves involved in the sensitivity of the region, which is consistent with the definition of local infiltration. Infiltration techniques constitute an alternative to other loco regional analgesia techniques such as nerve blocks and analgesia. They are embedded in a strategy of multimodal burden of acute postoperative pain. This The purpose of the chapter is to present the indications and postoperative period different recommendations on infiltration techniques local operations site.