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Dr Kirti Sharma, Dr S. R. Inchulkar, Dr Yuvraj Kaushik

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Cosmetics have important role in every woman's life since ancient times as well as modern time. Women are more concern about their look and beauty, stretch marks make their look ugly. Ayurveda explained kikkis (stretch marks) is characterized by Kandu, Vidaha, Vaivarnyata, Rukshta, Rekha swaroop twak sankoch on seventh month of pregnancy caused by vitiation of tridoshas. During pregnancy about 80-90% of pregnant women develop stretch marks on abdomen, breast and thighs in third trimester and stretch mark is a cosmetically disfiguring condition. Stretch marks by means pinkish, scar like lesions are due to weakening of elastic tissues, associated with pregnancy, overweight, rapid growth during puberty and many conditions. Management of Kikkisa is given in Charak Samhita, Astang Sangraha, Astang Hridaya and Bhela Samhita. Ayurveda describes some treatment for the Kikkisa like Oushada sevana, parisheka, abhyanga, lepa, pathyapathya, to decrease the severity of Kikkisa. This review will be beneficial to prevent and cure of kikkis (stretch marks) with Ayurvedic drugs.

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