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Dr Neha, Dr Sapna Negi

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


Beauty is the quality which gives pleasure to the senses. The way you lived life will be reflected in your face, body and skin. Ayurveda is science of life has also emphasized its importance by saying good looks, helps in boosting the psychological state of mind and make person feel good, about one self. Beauty of person includes their complexion, skin texture, hair care, care of eyes, foot care etc. Beauty is not achieved in a single day, but it should be enhanced or maintain by following the daily regimens mentioned in our classics. In the Ayurvedic text there is importance of Dincharya that is daily regimens which is said by Acharyas for human beings to be healthy. There is Dincharya procedures for skin becoming healthy and for its good complexion and its texture. To maintain and enhance beauty many Dincharyaprocedures like Mukhaprakshalana, Dantadhavan, Anjana, Nasya, Abhyanga, Shirobhyanga, Padabhyanga, Udavartana, Snana, Anulepana etc are gives in details along with their indications, contraindications and time also when to use them. In present era these procedures are ideal as when used regularly, these are less time consuming and cost effective. Thus, these procedures can play important role in elevating the beauty as well as to prevent the skin diseases, like Udavartana helps in removing dark spot, pimple and is indicated in skin disease like Vyanga.Shirobhyanga helps in growing of deep-rooted long hair and prevent graying and falling of hair. So, following these Dincharya procedures not only helps in enhancing or maintaining beauty but also prevention of many skin diseases and enhancing healthy life style.

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