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Dr. Meenu Kaushik, Dr.Ramesh M. Bansode

Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019


During the last several decades, we have witnessed a gain in importance of physical overall look. There is a strong relationship that exists between physical look and social acceptance. Human physical appearance is the outward phenotype or look of human being. Hairs, clothes, nose, height etc. makes the physical appearance. Hair is one such natural ornament which every one of us would flaunt for. Hairs make the outer appearance of a human. It helps in increasing self confidence. It’s normal to lose between50 to 100 hairs a day. But lose of more than 100 hairs is a serious problem. If proper care is not taken it may lead to serious hair fall problem. Hair fall or thinning of hairs affect the physical appearance and can result in decrease of self confidence. As per Ayurveda, hair originates from paitruja bhav. Hair is considered as a mala of Asthi dhatu by Acharya Charak and updhatu of Majja by Sarangadhara. In Ayurveda, Kesha considered as a parameter for different kinds of clinical assessment. The stressful modern lifestyle, increasing pollution and unhealthy for habits cause damage to health and are reflected in quality of hair. Healthy food and stress-free lifestyle can help in controlling hair fall. Thalam is one of keralian procedure of panchkaram. Ayurvedic oils are applied on head. It promotes sound sleep, induces mental piece and is useful in alopecia and hairfall.

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