Athul T. P, Rishi Arya, Dinesh Chandra Singh
Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019
Beauty has great role in one’s life. It varies according to perspective. Hair is an important factor in determining the external beauty. There are many other reasons why hair is more than just a beauty. It plays an important role in determining self-image, community outlook and psycho social functioning. Patience to frame the effective management for the chemotherapy induced hair loss is still endless. The pain of not being able to face the society is more than that of the pain caused by chemotherapy. The accumulation of mitotic inhabitants of chemotherapeutic drugs in the hair follicles cause apoptosis and leads to its loss. Theories to inhibit the anti-mitotic effect in the hair follicle have been put forwarded years before. It says scalp hypothermia or scalp cooling system reduce the cutaneous scalp circulation which cause vasoconstriction of blood vessel and incidentally reduce the quantity of antimitotic which accumulate in the hair follicle. In Ayurvedic perspective it is the manifestation of aggravated Pitha dosha which cause paka of the hair follicle and leads to kesha shata. Shiropichu with baladatryadi taila can normalise the aggravated Pitha dosha. Other pithahara drvyas may also be used in this manner. This alternative scalp cooling method is on par with modern technique of scalp cooling system.