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Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 001-009

A Case Series of Patients Operated for Stoppa Repair for Bilateral Inguinal Hernia

Dr. Vidhyasagar Sharma, Dr. Virat R. Patel

Background: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed general surgical procedures all across the world. Recent advancement in surgical techniques has paved way ...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 010-015

Comparative Study of Some Hematological, Biochemical and Thyroid Biomarkers on Males and Females (Gallinula Chloropus) Water Birds

Bushra F. Hasan, Jinan Hilal, Harith Abdulla Najem

The current study was objective in clarifying some of the physiological and hormonal characteristics on male and female of migratory water birds Gallinula Chloropus, that ...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 016-023

Comparative Evaluation of Stool Antigen Test and Serology (IgM) For Helicobacter Pylori Infection Among Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Population in Ind...

Saroj Kumar Thakur, Dr. Potsangbam Kumar Singh

Helicobacter pylori is an important bacterial agent that mediates a range of gastrointestinal illnesses ranging from gastritis to stomach cancer. These problems can be caused by a ...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 024-029

Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Its Associated Factors Among Symptomatic Population in the India

Saroj Kumar Thakur, Dr. Potsangbam Kumar Singh

Dyspepsia is a relatively frequent human experience that can be attributed to a wide variety of different factors. Patients see their doctors anywhere from four percent to fourteen...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 030-033

Comparative Study of Serum Magnesium and Uric Acid in Patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Healthy Controls at SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur

Dr. Neha Chaudhary

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that is associated with a higher risk of CVD than the general population. Chronic inflammatory conditions are likely to ...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 034-039

Pregnancy Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes and Hyperthyroidism

Lalit Narayan Yadav, Dr. Biren Singh

The significant frequency of thyroid dysfunction in women with pre-gestational DM calls for evaluation of thyroid function in these people during pregnancy. Thyroid dysfunction was...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 040-050

Physiological Changes of Thyroid Gland in Pregnancy

Lalit Narayan Yadav, Dr. Biren Singh

Women with hypothyroidism who did not take adequate medicine had a three times increased chance of developing preeclampsia. In the group that received inadequate treatment, preterm...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 051-055

Dreams: A Modern Perspective

Dr. A.R.V. Murthy

Dreams are a universal human experience that can be described as a state of consciousness characterized by sensory, cognitive and emotional occurrences during sleep. Dreams are the...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 056-064

Effectiveness of Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupation Performance (Co-Op) Approach in Order to Improve Instrumental Activity of Daily Living (IA...

Mariya Avinash John, Dr. Arunkumar. M, Niranjen. S

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Cognitive orientation to activity living of daily occupation Performance (CO-OP) to improve IADL skills among Geriatric...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 065-075

Corona Pandemic Impact on the Performance of the Iraqi Clinics

Abdullah Najim Abd Al Khanaifsawy

Contractual obligations in Iraq have been affected by the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus and the restrictive measures it has adopted, such as the announcement of the Defense Law...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 076-084

A Study of Some Physiological and Biochemical Variables for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

Alaa Abd al-Hussein Majali, Rana Essam Saeed

The current study aimed to investigate some physiological and biochemical variables for patients with atherosclerosis of the heart, as some functional and metabolic criteria, and t...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 085-089

Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematous Through Panchkarma Modality W.S.R Pittaadhkiya Vatarakta : A Case Study

Dr. Raja Singla, Dr Harish Kumar, Dr Anjali Kamboj

Defense mechanism (immune system) is a primary function to protect our body from external invaders (bacteria, virus), but in some situations our immune system attacks the body itse...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 090-095

Leveraging The Artificial Intelligence Tools And Techniques In The Early Diagnosis And Effective Management/Treatment Of Diabetes

Janhvi Garg

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise patient care and enhance results in the treatment of diabetes, particularly in Malaysia, where the disease is a sign...

Research Article

Vol. 15, Jan-Jun 2023  Page no: 096-100

Developing a Smart Health Monitoring and Anomaly Detection by leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Jaideep Singh Bhullar

With the fast-paced growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the healthcare industry is shifting to a paradigm of smart health monitoring systems wi...